Goodbye...for now

How’s your 2024 going, Reader?

While there have been some amazing moments for me this year, if I’m honest? It hasn’t been going very well for me.

Pssst...If you don't have time to read the full email (I know it may seem crazy, but I DO get great feedback from emails like these from my super fans) you can skip reading it and head HERE to complete a survey that will help me help you :)

In fact, 2024 has been a struggle since before the ball dropped.

I woke up on December 30th wondering why my parents had the heat up SO high.

They never overspend on heating the house in the winter…

Turns out? It wasn't all that warm. I was coming down with the flu.

This all two weeks after my trip to the Big Island where I had planned to finally move out of my parent's place and try to restart my Hawaii life after the August 8th Maui fires took my housing.

Almost 4 months later?

I’m still a gypsy with no home.

I thought one silver lining of all this was going to be hosting my dream retreat on Block Island in two months, but I blew through more than half my marketing budget without getting even one deposit from an interested guest.

That's NEVER happened before.

Is the market changing?

Do my ads suck?

Is it the economy?

I don't know, but I had to pull the plug on the in person event before I lost even more money paying a venue I couldn't fill.

All isn’t totally lost, because I’ve met some amazing, inspiring runners through my marketing efforts!

But I can’t run my business and pay my bills off of a free email list.

I want to host another retreat in the fall, but I am finding myself with more questions than answers.

Where will I host the event?

Will it be for running or is it better as a general wellness event or writer’s retreat?

Can I host it?

In the aftermath of the fires and 3 Maui retreats I had to cancel, my business isn’t brining in enough money for me to survive on it alone. With my May event unable to run, I am now actively looking to pick up some type of side gig to support myself. I fear having to turn down a potentially great job if I decide to host a fall retreat, but I also fear hosting one could put me into debt with the way Facebook ads have been underperforming.

After 11 years in business, I’m really finding myself at a crossroads.

One that has me 85% sure I'm going to let go of one of the three trademarks I own to cut costs.

One that until today, had me fantasizing about emailing you to tell you I was giving up my business and saying goodbye to the next set of bills that I'll have to pay just to keep minimum systems operational.

I don't REALLY want to say goodbye to you or my business.

It's been my life for so long and feels like the child I've never had.

However, I've really been in a tough spot trying to survive this latest need to pivot.

I’ve also been going slightly crazy in between writing and rewriting cover letters and resumes while trying to get my business back on track.

Most days the universe seems to be telling me I’ve had a good run and accomplished amazing things I should be proud of (while I HATE writing and rewriting my resume, it has been nice to review my accomplishments), but I probably need to get a 9-5 so I can afford spoiling my nieces again.

But yesterday?

There were MORE moments where the universe told “believe in yourself!" instead.

For one, after several failed nights of trying to watch Spanish TV, my friend put on America’s Got Talent. Other than seeing clips of it, I had never watched the full show or whatever we had on for hours (I think it was a YouTube compilation vs. live TV). Seeing all these people who had dreams and decided to put themselves out there instead of giving up touched me.

One singer grew up in a singing family and was currently a student and part time vocal coach. She spoke about wanting to be on AGT to practice what she preaches to her students.

This really got to me!

I'm always encouraging my personal training clients and retreat guests to go after their dreams, but now after a history-making disaster I'm just going to give up on mine? That now seems hypocritical.

Between commercials I did some scrolling on social media and came across two posts that also changed my mind on taking a total breather and saying goodbye.

POST #1: Flashback to Running the Boston Marathon with my client Meredith

Meredith has been a client for so long we’re really more like friends at this point. She inspires me more than I could ever inspire her! Once the chaos of COVID ended, I had the chance to run Boston for the first time and a few months later, I had the honor of running my 2nd Boston WITH HER and she chose me as the one to award her the coveted unicorn medal for completing those 26.2 miles. Seeing the image of us after the monumental event (as the cover of a YouTube compilation, from a third party, nonetheless) gave me one thought: I want more moments like THIS. I’m not ready to take such a big step back from being a running cheerleader, even if I can’t host my in person retreat this May.

Post #2: Maui artist, business partner, and friend Katherine Queen's inspirational story

When I first moved to Maui, I didn’t have a car. To pay rent, I took on a part time job that required me to commute by bus for an hour before biking another 30 minutes each morning and again at night. One day, I was so captivated by one of the artists on Front Street in Lahaina, that I missed my bus. This meant waiting another hour and having to get off the bus in the dark and…close your eyes, mom and dad!!!…walking my bike up a hill with no street lights for another half a mile. Katherine was painting the most gorgeous image of a woman on an octopus. A woman who looked so strong. I wanted to be like this woman. As you might imagine, I didn’t really have the budget for an original piece of artwork. Remember, I was commuting by bike and bus for over 3 hrs a day!), but I told Katherine I wanted to buy it. She was flattered, but thought it was already spoken for. Fast forward a few weeks and Katherine had secured her very own art gallery space on Front Street in Lahaina a HUGE deal and accomplishment. I went to the grand opening to support her and my dream piece was STILL FOR SALE. I couldn’t believe it. I purchased it on the spot for more than what I was paying in rent (I won’t say how many months of rent). It was my divorce present to myself and to be a reminder to stay strong. Sadly, that piece was lost in the Maui fires AND unlike all of her other pieces, she never made a copy of it! I couldn’t even get a print if I wanted to. I’m still processing the meaning of that…

One reason I so connected with Katherine was that her Maui and life story were so inspiring to me. Maui was a dream for her for so long and she worked to create that years before I did. She continued to inspire me as I worked the next few months after meeting her to make my biggest Maui dream come true, the one I had since my first visit to the island, to host a retreat there. She even became part of it when she was one of the “additional activities” for my retreat, a secret island tour in her vintage car that was well received. When I saw her post about ASKING THE UNIVERSE for something and having it happen, I was humbled and reminded that that’s what I need to do. Sure, MOM and dad, I want a 401K and steady salary and health insurance I’m not paying for, but I REALLY want to do what I set out to do with my business in the first place. Inspire others to live their best lives using fitness as a tool to get there.

Bottomline: I’m not 100% sure what my next steps will be, but I’m working on removing the whole “GOODBYE” part.

Instead, I would so appreciate your help helping me help YOU.

I have 3 main areas I like to work on:

-Writing (I’ve published and had one book become a bestseller, but I have too many more to count that aren’t even in an editor’s hands yet)
-Personal training (1-on-1 with beginners and runner’s my favorites, the Drop 2 Sizes Challenge as my favorite group program)
-Retreat hosting

I think part of my struggle is that while I was trying to go the path of focusing on my retreats, but my budget isn’t allowing that to happen right now.

Facebook ads have changed and while I’ve built my email list, I had to turn off the ad before I had any sign ups.

So now I must decide.

Do I focus on rebuilding my 1-on-1 client list or small group programs?

My next book?

I still hold hope for a blend that includes the retreats.

I’d SO love to write my next book with the many of you who have asked for book writing help recently in the form of a virtual and/or in person author’s retreat (or both!), but maybe the next book tour is needed before I can fill a venue.

I keep struggling with what the book will be though…

I hope your 2024 has felt more at ease than mine has.

But if it hasn’t, I hope you’ll rally with me and rethink giving up on your 2024 dreams.

I know this is a long email but I appreciate you reading the update and allowing me to be real with you!

While I sort through things, I'd so appreciate your feedback on what I can do that would be of the most value to YOU.

You can absolutely share by replying to this email, but to make it almost mindless...

THIS form should take 1-3 mins to complete and your response would meant the world to me right now.

With Aloha,


Catherine | Fit Armadillo®

ACE- Certified Personal Trainer since 2007 with some other fancy degrees and fun accomplishments I can tell you more about later, but a few faves are completing the Boston Marathon 2x (the 2nd with a longterm client who only ever wanted to run a 5K!) and becoming a best-selling author. I sometimes moonlight as a classroom teacher (I have a Master's in Education and am a credentialed Biology teacher in MA, RI, and TX). Recently moved to Maui for an opportunity for my business, but really to try to become a better surfer. Stoked to share the experience with you on an upcoming Women's Wellness Retreat (whales will be invited, too!), if you'll let me :)

Read more from Catherine | Fit Armadillo®

Wanna work out LIVE with me? Reader - When's the last time you've done a decent cardio/strength workout? I can't even remember the answer myself!!! EMBARASSING, I know! Welllllll... I just woke up (yes it is the middle of the night here on Maui) with an idea: To host a Drop 2 Sizes Challenge fitness class for you to try! If you'll be around in about 12 hrs, I'd love to have you join me! The workout style will be a Countdown Workout. We'll complete a few exercises for 5, 4, 3, 2, and then 1...