{TIME SENSITIVE} What are you doing in 12 hrs?

Wanna work out LIVE with me?

Reader -

When's the last time you've done a decent cardio/strength workout?

I can't even remember the answer myself!!!



I just woke up (yes it is the middle of the night here on Maui) with an idea:

To host a Drop 2 Sizes Challenge fitness class for you to try!

If you'll be around in about 12 hrs, I'd love to have you join me!

The workout style will be a Countdown Workout.

We'll complete a few exercises for 5, 4, 3, 2, and then 1 time each, circuit style. It's one of my favorite workouts to get your heart rate up and will combine strength AND cardio :)

You'll be done in 30 mins.

If you have a foam roller and 1 heavy weight (I can send you notes on what that means, but also ....SPOILER ALERT: I Plan to go live from Walmart later to show you how to shop for them) you can bring them.

If not? Don't sweat it!

But be prepared to sweat when you join us ;)

Are you IN?!

I just created THIS sign up page so you can join us.

It's SUPER basic, but I didn't want to be up for hours making it fancy.

After all, I have a workout to lead soon!

I thought about making the class free, but you'll notice it's $3.21 which is free, but better.

You are more likely to show up if you pay ;)

Plus, how fun that the price is a countdown.

I love a good theme!

OK - going back to bed here.

Save your spot in class HERE.

I'll be dreaming about working out with you sooooooon.*


*Or maybe surfing since I'm hoping to catch a few waves before the workout ;)

P.S. If you have any issues signing up, please don't hesitate to reply to this email or shoot me a text (508-439-3577). I'm working through all the kinks in my tech as I go back to working in my business more full time and wouldn't want something silly to keep you from joining us.

P.P.S. To learn more about the challenge and save your spot (we are almost FULL and start MONDAY, but you can always get on the waitlist from the same page) head HERE.

Catherine | Fit Armadillo®

ACE- Certified Personal Trainer since 2007 with some other fancy degrees and fun accomplishments I can tell you more about later, but a few faves are completing the Boston Marathon 2x (the 2nd with a longterm client who only ever wanted to run a 5K!) and becoming a best-selling author. I sometimes moonlight as a classroom teacher (I have a Master's in Education and am a credentialed Biology teacher in MA, RI, and TX). Recently moved to Maui for an opportunity for my business, but really to try to become a better surfer. Stoked to share the experience with you on an upcoming Women's Wellness Retreat (whales will be invited, too!), if you'll let me :)

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